Understanding the Healing Process: How Psychedelic Therapy Works

Understanding the Healing Process: How Psychedelic Therapy Works

Psychedelic therapy is a revolutionary approach that combines traditional psychotherapy with the use of psychedelic substances to facilitate healing and personal growth. This transformative therapy process aims to create a corrective emotional experience, heal deep wounds, and build trust and rapport between the therapist and client. By enhancing neuroplasticity and promoting paradigm shifts in perspective, psychedelic therapy offers a unique path to overcoming emotional obstacles and fostering profound insights. Let’s explore the key takeaways from understanding the healing process of psychedelic therapy:

Key Takeaways

  • Psychedelic therapy combines traditional psychotherapy with psychedelic substances for healing and personal growth.
  • Enhanced neuroplasticity through psychedelic therapy facilitates transformative shifts in perspective.
  • Deep bliss, unity, and profound insights are experienced during psilocybin therapy sessions.
  • Psychedelic integration involves preserving and applying lessons from psychedelic sessions to daily life.
  • Client support services offer 24/7 secure messaging, brain box starter kit, and medication delivery options.

Psychedelic Therapy Process

Psychedelic Therapy Process

Corrective Emotional Experience

Imagine you’re carrying a backpack filled with rocks, each one representing a past trauma or emotional scar. Psychedelic therapy invites you to unpack these burdens, one stone at a time, in a safe and supportive environment. It’s like hitting the reset button on your emotional responses, allowing you to re-experience past events with a new, healing perspective.

During a session, you might find yourself revisiting memories you’ve long avoided, but this time, you’re not alone. The therapist is there, guiding you through the process, helping you to see these memories through a lens of compassion and understanding. It’s not uncommon for patients to report feeling physically lighter after such sessions, as if they’ve shed a weight they’ve been carrying for years.

The beauty of this process is that it’s not just about looking back; it’s about moving forward with a newfound clarity and strength.

Various approaches to psychedelic healing include coaching for structured self-improvement, therapy for mental health support, shamanic rituals for spiritual healing, and holistic healing arts for mind-body-spirit alignment. Each approach can contribute to the corrective emotional experience, offering a unique path to healing.

Healing of Wounds

Imagine your mind as a garden. Just as plants need the right soil, sunlight, and water to thrive, our inner landscapes require certain conditions to heal and grow. In the realm of psychedelic therapy, this is where the magic happens. An inner healing intelligence guides the process, much like a gardener who knows just where to prune or nourish. This intelligence is the poetry in our psyche, the silent knowledge that seeks balance, justice, and liberation.

During psychedelic therapy sessions, we dive into our inner realms with the support of therapists. It’s a journey of exploration, where we manage challenging moments, reflect post-session, and prepare mentally and emotionally. The key ingredients for a transformative experience are trust, intentions, and a safe environment. It’s not just about the substances; it’s about the therapeutic alliance and the conditions that allow for emotional co-regulation and psychological growth.

The beauty of this process is that it’s not a one-size-fits-all. Each person’s healing journey is unique, unfolding in its own time and way. The therapy provides the ideal conditions for trust, repair, and growth, but it’s the individual’s own healing intelligence that directs the experience.

Here’s a simple list to remember the essentials of a healing session:

  • Exploring inner realms with guidance
  • Managing challenging moments
  • Reflecting and preparing post-session
  • Trust and safety as the foundation

Remember, healing is an unfolding process, and psychedelic therapy is like opening a door to that process. It’s about setting the stage for our minds to repair, blossom, and achieve their full potential.

Building Trust and Rapport

In the realm of psychedelic therapy, the creation of a supportive environment and the cultivation of a positive mindset are not just nice-to-haves; they’re the bedrock upon which the entire healing journey is built. Therapists are the architects of this space, laying down the foundation of trust and safety that allows for the transformative experiences to unfold.

The therapist’s role extends beyond mere guidance; they become co-navigators in the journey of the mind, fostering a shared consciousness that opens up new possibilities for growth.

This shared consciousness is not just a fancy term; it’s the intricate dance of being seen, heard, and understood by another human being who is fully present with you. It’s about being valued and engaged in a relationship that is both professional and profoundly human. When this level of trust is achieved, it’s like a switch is flipped, and the mind opens up to healing, awareness, and expansion.

Here’s a simple breakdown of what this looks like in practice:

  • Establishing a connection with the therapist
  • Feeling seen and heard
  • Developing a sense of safety
  • Opening up to the experience

Remember, the journey through the mind can be as unpredictable as it is profound. The therapist’s ability to build trust and rapport can mean the difference between a guarded, attenuated experience and one that is deeply healing and expansive.

Benefits of Psychedelic Therapy

Benefits of Psychedelic Therapy

Enhanced Neuroplasticity

Imagine your brain as a bustling city with roads and pathways connecting different neighborhoods. Now, think of psychedelics as the city planners who come in and build new roads, bridges, and tunnels, enhancing the flow of traffic and connecting previously isolated areas. This is akin to what happens in our brains during psychedelic therapy. Psychedelics enhance coaching by promoting introspection, creativity, and neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s remarkable ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. This adaptability is not just a fascinating scientific fact; it’s a beacon of hope for those seeking healing. When we introduce psychedelics into the therapeutic process, we’re essentially giving the brain a tool to accelerate its natural capacity to adapt and grow. The outcome is that over a period of weeks, neuroplasticity and repair occur in the brain.

It’s like giving your mind a gym membership. Just as lifting weights can build muscle, engaging in psychedelic therapy can strengthen the mind’s resilience and flexibility.

Here’s a simple list to break down how this works:

  • Psychedelics increase openness and confront repressed memories.
  • They improve empathy, paving the way for deeper self-discovery and growth.
  • New synaptic connections are made, leading to healthier thought patterns.

By fostering new connections and pathways, psychedelics help us navigate through mental roadblocks and lead us towards a more integrated and wholesome state of being. It’s not just about the neurons; it’s about the new journeys they enable us to embark on.

Transformational Shifts in Perspective

Imagine standing in front of a massive wall, its surface rough and impenetrable. This wall represents the rigid neurological and emotional barriers we all have. Now, imagine that wall crumbling down, piece by piece, as you’re guided through a psychedelic therapy session. Suddenly, exploration becomes easier and more efficient. This is the essence of the transformational shifts in perspective that occur during psychedelic therapy. It’s not just about seeing the world differently; it’s about experiencing it with a newfound openness and empathy.

Psychedelic therapy promotes a profound reevaluation of our place in the world. It encourages us to look beyond our self-centeredness and embrace a more compassionate, interconnected existence.

These shifts can manifest in various ways, from a reduction of prejudice to a blossoming of social consciousness. It’s like attending a group psychedelic retreat, where targeted support and deep processing in immersive environments lead to collective healing and personal growth. The experience can be so powerful that it not only changes how we view ourselves but also how we interact with others, fostering tolerance and compassion.

  • Awareness of prejudice and the desire for social change
  • Rebuilding trust and acquiring a sense of belonging
  • Moving from a self-centered perspective to one of altruism and love

The journey through psychedelic therapy is deeply personal, yet it echoes in the collective consciousness, urging us toward a more harmonious way of being.

Overcoming Emotional Obstacles

Imagine carrying a backpack filled with rocks, each one representing an emotional hurdle. Now, picture the relief of setting that heavy load down. That’s akin to the liberation many feel after a psychedelic therapy session. Psychedelic therapy emphasizes trust, emotional release, and mental preparation for profound experiences. It’s not just about the trip; it’s about unpacking those rocks and leaving them behind.

In this journey, the guide is as crucial as the path itself. A therapist’s role in creating a safe space cannot be overstated. They help you set intentions and stand by you as you navigate through the sometimes-turbulent waters of your psyche.

The benefits can be profound: a lessening of suicidal thoughts, a decrease in anxiety, and a newfound ability to advocate for oneself. It’s like emerging from a chrysalis, where the old defenses and fears no longer bind you. You’re not just told to ‘let go’ of trauma; you’re given the tools to actually do it.

  • Increased resilience to stress
  • Reduced OCD symptoms
  • Sense of balance and increased quality of life

These are not just hopeful promises; they are tangible outcomes that many have experienced. Setting intentions, creating a safe space, and integrating insights are key for transformative journeys. And while the path to overcoming emotional obstacles is deeply personal, the destination is universally desirable: freedom.

Psilocybin Therapy Experience

Psilocybin Therapy Experience

Deep Bliss and Unity

Imagine floating in a sea of tranquility, where the usual chatter of your mind quiets down, and you’re enveloped in a warm embrace of peace. That’s what many describe when they talk about the deep bliss and unity experienced during psychedelic therapy sessions. It’s like the noise of the world fades away, and for a moment, you’re in perfect harmony with everything around you.

In these moments, clients often report a profound sense of connection, not just to themselves, but to the universe at large. It’s a reminder that we’re all part of a bigger picture, intricately woven together by threads of existence.

Alba’s journey through psilocybin therapy brought her to this very state. During her integration session, she shared how the experience fostered a newfound self-love and a gentle quieting of her inner critic. It was a compassionate reflection that allowed her to process her experiences with a kind heart. This isn’t just about feeling good for a moment; it’s about tapping into a well of emotional and spiritual wellness that can fuel growth and healing long after the session ends.

  • Recognizing unity with the environment
  • Embracing a sense of universal love
  • Quieting the inner dialogue
  • Cultivating self-compassion and acceptance

These are the pillars that support the transformative experience of psychedelic therapy. They’re not just fleeting moments; they’re stepping stones to a more integrated and whole version of oneself.

Profound Insights and Paradigm Shifts

Imagine peeling back the layers of your deepest thoughts, like an onion, revealing truths about yourself that you never knew existed. That’s what happens in psychedelic therapy. Insights and knowledge are frequently accessed, both during and after sessions, leading to profound shifts in how we view ourselves and the world around us. It’s like updating the software of your mind to a more open, compassionate operating system.

In this space, exploration becomes easier and more efficient. We’re not just talking about surface-level changes; we’re talking about transformational shifts in perspective that can alter the very fabric of our being.

These shifts can lead to progressive outlooks on life, reducing prejudices and self-centeredness. It’s not just about feeling better; it’s about becoming more attuned to the symphony of life, more balanced and respectful of others. And while these outcomes are not guaranteed, they are a beautiful potential of the psychedelic journey.

Here’s a snapshot of how these paradigm shifts can manifest:

  • A new or revived witnessing of one’s self
  • Reframing of past experiences
  • Increased connection, affection, and love
  • Improvement in reality testing
  • Heightened sensitivity to the body and its sensations

Psychedelic therapy offers enhanced self-awareness, improved mental health, and cognitive flexibility through neuroplasticity, providing rapid relief from depression, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms. It’s a journey of self-discovery that can fundamentally change how we interact with ourselves and the world.

Duration and Presence in Therapy Sessions

When embarking on the journey of psychedelic therapy, understanding the timeline is crucial. A typical psilocybin session can last anywhere from 6 to 8 hours, which aligns with the natural course of the substance’s effects. During this time, individuals are accompanied by a therapist, ensuring a supportive environment throughout the entire experience. It’s a bit like going on a long hike with a guide; you’re not just wandering alone.

The peak experiences, often described as moments of full ego dissolution, tend to last about 20-40 minutes. Imagine these moments as the summit of your hike, where the view is most breathtaking. Afterward, there’s a gradual descent into a more reflective and less intense state, which is an ideal time for journaling and introspection.

It’s important to remember that each person’s experience is unique, and the duration can vary. The key is to remain present and open to the experience, allowing the therapeutic process to unfold naturally.

Following the guidelines for safe and transformative psilocybin therapy can greatly enhance the experience. These include setting intentions, creating a safe space, and preparing mentally. After the session, practices like mindfulness, journaling reflections, and integrating insights are essential for personal growth and healing.

Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic Integration

Preserving Lessons from Sessions

After the profound journey of a psychedelic therapy session, the real work often begins: Preserving the lessons learned. It’s like capturing the essence of a dream upon waking; the insights can be slippery, ready to fade with the morning light. To hold onto these revelations, integration is key.

Imagine you’ve just had an eye-opening session. You’ve seen your life from a new perspective, felt deep connections, and maybe even confronted long-held fears. Now, you’re back in the ‘real world’, and it’s crucial to weave those experiences into the fabric of your daily life. Here’s where a structured approach can help:

  • Reflect on the session soon after it ends.
  • Journal your thoughts and feelings.
  • Discuss your insights with a trusted guide or therapist.
  • Set intentions based on your new understandings.

Integration isn’t a one-size-fits-all process. It’s deeply personal, and what works for one person might not for another. The goal is to find your own rhythm in translating the psychedelic language into actionable change.

Remember, integration is not just about retaining memories; it’s about transformation. It’s about taking those ephemeral moments of clarity and using them to reshape your life. Without this step, the potential for lasting change can slip through our fingers like sand. And while the journey is yours alone, you don’t have to walk the path without support. Psychedelic therapy requires careful integration support, risk assessment for psychosis, and mitigation strategies to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Applying Lessons to Daily Life

Imagine you’ve just emerged from a profound psychedelic journey, carrying a treasure trove of insights. Now comes the crucial part: weaving those revelations into the fabric of your everyday life. It’s not just about having an epiphany; it’s about living it. After a psychedelic experience, seek support and guidance to integrate insights into daily life for personal development and well-being. Collaboration and patience are key in this transformative process.

The days following your session are a golden window for change. It’s important that if these changes are resisted, the will to make these changes may fade. That’s why it’s imperative to reflect, integrate, and make changes directly following a session. Here’s a simple list to keep you on track:

  • Reflect on your experience and jot down key takeaways.
  • Discuss your insights with a trusted guide or support group.
  • Set small, achievable goals to start implementing changes.
  • Be patient with yourself; transformation is a journey, not a sprint.

Remember, the true measure of psychedelic therapy’s success is how well you can apply the lessons learned to your life, creating lasting positive change.

As you embark on this journey, remember that the path to self-improvement is not linear. It’s filled with twists, turns, and the occasional backtrack. But with each step, you’re building a more authentic version of yourself, one that’s aligned with your deepest values and aspirations.

Support and Guidance

After the profound journey of psychedelic therapy, the real work often begins: integrating those insights into your daily life. Psychedelic therapy emphasizes integration and aftercare support, tailored to individual needs. It’s not just about the sessions themselves, but how you carry those lessons forward.

Imagine you’ve just had an eye-opening experience that’s shifted your perspective. Now, you’re back in the ‘real world,’ and it’s crucial to have a support system to help you navigate this new terrain. Community resources and legal awareness are essential for a safe and responsible experience. Here’s where the support services come into play:

  • Implementation Academies
  • Virtual Technical Assistance
  • Site Visits and Expert Consultations
  • Resources and Publications

These services act as your compass, guiding you through the sometimes murky waters of post-therapy life. They’re the unsung heroes that provide the continuity and care necessary to make your transformation lasting.

Remember, the path of healing is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. And just like any marathon, having the right support crew can make all the difference in reaching the finish line.

Client Support Services

Client Support Services

24/7 Secure Messaging

Imagine it’s 2 AM and a wave of anxiety washes over you. You’re in the midst of integrating your latest psychedelic therapy session, and you feel an urgent need to reach out. That’s where 24/7 secure messaging comes in. It’s a lifeline, a digital thread connecting you to the support you need, whenever you need it.

With this service, you’re never alone on your journey of healing and self-discovery. You can chat with a coach, ask questions, or simply share your thoughts and feelings in a safe, confidential space. It’s like having a therapist in your pocket, ready to guide you through the rough patches.

  • Chat with a coach
  • Verify my insurance
  • Access resources

This isn’t just about convenience; it’s about providing support for healing and self-discovery through personalized guidance. It’s about promoting psychedelic healing and increasing awareness and accessibility.

Whether you’re looking for answers to specific questions or need someone to listen, our team is here to help you navigate the complexities of your psychedelic journey. We’re committed to being there for you, every step of the way.

Brain Box Starter Kit

Embarking on a psychedelic journey can be as thrilling as it is daunting. But imagine having a little treasure chest of tools to help you navigate the experience with more ease and confidence. That’s where the Brain Box Starter Kit comes in, a complimentary companion for your therapeutic voyage. Each kit is thoughtfully assembled with items like a Blood Pressure Cuff to monitor your vitals, a Meditation Mask for deepening relaxation, a Journal to capture your revelations, Gratitude Cards to foster positivity, and Heart Diffraction Glasses to enhance visual experiences.

The beauty of the Brain Box lies not just in its contents but in its role as a tangible anchor throughout your journey. It’s like having a personal toolkit that supports both the practical and mystical aspects of your sessions. And the best part? It’s included free with your therapy, making it a no-brainer for anyone committed to their healing path.

The Brain Box is more than just a collection of items; it’s a gateway to a more profound and grounded psychedelic experience.

Remember, the journey doesn’t end when the session does. Integration is key, and our team, including Max and Saar, is here to assist. On our blog, you’ll find posts covering a variety of topics, from the environmental impact on psychedelic trips to essentials for safe trips. It’s all about taking those profound insights and learning how to weave them into the fabric of your everyday life.

Medication Delivery Options

Once you’ve navigated the psychedelic landscape and found your therapeutic match, the journey doesn’t end there. Choosing the right psychedelic therapist is crucial for a safe and transformative journey. They’re your guide, your confidant, and your support system rolled into one. But what about the practicalities, like getting your medication? That’s where medication delivery options come into play.

Our clinic offers a variety of delivery methods for ketamine, tailored to your needs and preferences. Whether it’s sublingual lozenges for a gentle onset, intramuscular injections for a more controlled experience, or intranasal applications for quick absorption, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Sublingual: Dissolving lozenges with a gradual effect.
  • Intramuscular (IM): Injections with a dosage escalation format.
  • Intranasal: For rapid absorption and onset.

Remember, the route you choose affects not just the journey, but the destination too. It’s about finding the balance that works for you, ensuring comfort, and maximizing therapeutic outcomes.

It’s not just about the ‘how’ but also the ‘who’. The relationship with your therapist is paramount, and their involvement doesn’t end at prescription. They’re there to walk with you, through the peaks and valleys of your healing process. And with our 24/7 secure messaging, you’re never alone on this path.

At FLO, we are dedicated to guiding you through transformative psychedelic experiences with our expert client support services. Our one-on-one coaching sessions are tailored to help you explore the depths of your consciousness and emerge with profound insights. If you’re ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, visit our website to schedule a free call and learn more about how we can support you in unlocking your full potential. Let us be your trusted guides on this life-enriching path.


In conclusion, psychedelic therapy offers a transformative approach to healing by combining traditional psychotherapy with the use of psychedelic medicine. This innovative method promotes neuroplasticity, facilitates emotional exploration, and fosters profound shifts in perspective. Through a process of building trust, exploring insights, and integrating lessons, individuals can overcome emotional obstacles and restructure unhealthy thought patterns. Ultimately, psychedelic therapy provides a unique opportunity for self-healing and personal growth, leading to a deeper understanding of the healing process and the potential for lasting positive change.


Lotte and Floris are the two guides for FLO Coaching. We combine our years of coaching & therapy to help people experience a (first) guided psychedelic trip.

We uniquely focus on preparation and integration to provide long-term positive changes in mind and behaviour.

Assistance is provided by Max and Saar, though our dogs haven't yet learned to write for the blog 🐾