Dedicated and experienced coaches
The founders of FLO Coaching – the married couple Floris and Lotte – continually draw inspiration from the new perspectives that psychedelics offer.
Lotte brings her background in mental health care, with over 10 years of experience as a therapist. Floris – a psychologist – has developed the world’s largest online platform for psychedelic research.
Truffles are among the safest psychoactive substances, but that doesn’t mean they’re without risks. A psychedelic journey can only be meaningful if it’s offered in a safe environment. We therefore anchor the truffle journey in a coaching trajectory – with a focus on preparation and integration. This way, you can count on individual support at every stage of your journey.
At FLO Coaching, we exclusively offer one-on-one trajectories with a person-centered approach that perfectly aligns with your individual needs. We have a creative approach. From carefully composed music playlists to self-written meditations – everything is made with attention to detail.
“Their research-backed approach to psychedelic therapy exceeded my expectations in every way – from their professionalism to the comfort and personal connection..” – Izak, 32 ★★★★★
“It was a special experience that gave me various insights into how I store tension and stress in my body.” – Maxime, 46 ★★★★★
A calm & supportive location
The sessions take place in Anna Paulowna – just north of Amsterdam – easily accessible by train and car. In 2023, we made the big move from the busy city to this quiet countryside of North Holland.
The serene environment offers the necessary peace and quiet, perfect to support your psychedelic journey. Enjoy the open and expansive view, wander through the garden, snack from the vegetable garden, play with the dogs, and listen to the clucking of the chickens.
Your journey takes place in our cozy garden house. We provide fresh meals and offer the possibility of overnight accommodation.
Lotte Boekhout
Lotte has 10 years of experience as a coach in mental health care. She is a certified ACT therapist and yin yoga instructor.
In the sessions at FLO coaching, Lotte creates a sense of safety, allowing you to surrender to the experience. Clients describe Lotte as open and gentle, a coach who intuitively understands what you need. Lotte works holistically, and in her sessions, she combines psychedelics with ACT, yin yoga, and rituals.
Lotte is fascinated by how psychedelics can create a profound and loving connection with the self. For her, maintaining these qualities in daily life is an art of living.
“Lotte is very attentive and radiates calmness while being direct and honest.”
Marit, 41
Floris Wolswijk
Floris has a background in psychology and entrepreneurship. After studying psychology at Erasmus University, he started a successful e-commerce business.
Floris is also the founder of Blossom, the world’s largest online platform for psychedelic research. And as a consultant at Delphi, he advises organizations in the world of psychedelics.
At FLO coaching, Floris serves as an anchor for conventional reality. Clients describe him as a calm, non-judgmental coach with whom you can freely share ideas. With his drive to get the most out of life, he supports others on their path.
Floris draws constant inspiration from the new perspectives that psychedelics offer. His passion lies in translating these insights into long-term positive impact.
“Floris showed a lot of empathy, helped me structure my thoughts, and offered tools I can practice with”
Alperen, 26
Psychedelic-based ACT
At FLO coaching, we employ a unique approach to psychedelic experiences based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
ACT is a scientifically grounded and effective behavioral therapy that has its roots in Buddhist psychology. Our ACT-inspired coaching sessions help clients develop a resilient attitude towards their thoughts and feelings. Instead of avoiding these, we teach people to accept them as they are. At the same time, we guide clients in making conscious, valuable choices that align with their personal vision of life.
Free travel guide
Download our comprehensive e-book of over 90 pages now, full of valuable insights, practical tips, and transformative exercises. Whether you’re an experienced psychonaut or taking your first steps in this fascinating world – our guide is indispensable!
Frequently Asked Questions
A psychedelic experience often raises many questions. Below you’ll find answers to the most frequently asked questions. Want to know more? Then read our blogs or download the e-book.
What are psychedelics?
Psychedelics are substances that allow a person to perceive and experience the world differently. The sense of time and space can change. During a trip, everything someone sees, smells, and feels can deviate from normal waking consciousness. Colors are more vivid and things often seem to move. Psychedelics provide access to other layers of consciousness, leading to new experiences and insights. They are powerful ‘consciousness enhancers’ that can be used for many purposes. People use psychedelics both recreationally and in therapeutic contexts. Examples include LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and DMT.
What is the history of psychedelics?
Psychedelic mushrooms and plants are found all over the world and have a long history of ritual use. In many indigenous cultures, psychedelics are revered as sacraments and used in rituals to promote health, strengthen social cohesion, and connect with the spiritual world.
The recent history of psychedelics in the West begins with the first synthesis of the drug LSD. In 1938, scientist Albert Hofmann first synthesized LSD. It wasn’t until years later, in 1943, that he discovered the powerful effects of the substance on the human psyche. In the following years, the new interest in psychedelics reached a peak. Early research into treatments with psychedelics showed promising results, and treatments were increasingly applied in psychiatry. However, the research was halted when measures were taken to combat drug use.
Today, psychedelics have made a comeback in science. After a radio silence of over 50 years, psychedelic research is back on the global scientific agenda.
What are psychedelic truffles?
Psychedelic truffles are legally available for purchase in shops in the Netherlands. Truffles contain the same active substances (alkaloids) as magic mushrooms: psilocybin. It is known for its mild to powerful hallucinogenic effects with colorful visions. Psilocybin is often chosen for its psychological benefits, including the ability to promote deep emotional and spiritual insights. It is frequently used in therapeutic settings to help people increase their sense of connection with themselves and others. A psilocybin trip typically lasts 4 to 6 hours.
What are the effects of psychedelic truffles?
Psilocybin truffles provide access to other layers of consciousness, resulting in experiences that are difficult to put into words. Common effects include an altered sense of time and space, more intense colors, smells and sounds, moving geometric patterns, and profound self-reflection. Stronger effects can include reliving of events, strong visual and auditory distortions, and a deep sense of connectedness.
The intensity of the experience depends on the dosage, personal sensitivity, preparation, and the environment in which the truffles are used. The ability to surrender to the experience also plays a crucial role in the depth and value of the experience.
Who should avoid using truffles?
Truffles are generally safe for healthy people, but they are not suitable for everyone. Do you have certain mental or physical health issues, or are you using specific medications? Then psychedelics can be risky or even dangerous for you. The risk lies mainly in potential psychological side effects. People who should avoid truffles:
Those using antidepressants
Those using antipsychotics
Those with a psychiatric condition
Those with a (family) history of psychosis, dissociation
Those with a (family) history of a manic episode
Those with a family member with schizophrenia
Those with a history of epileptic seizures
Those with a history of cardiovascular diseases
Those with high blood pressure / hypertension
During pregnancy or while breastfeeding
What are the positive effects of truffles on the brain?
In recent years, much research has been done on the effects of psychedelics, such as truffles, on the brain. Imagine your brain as a busy city with different neighborhoods. The Default Mode Network (DMN) is a busy area that is concerned with worrying about the future, the past, and making plans. When you use psychedelics, new connections are made between neighborhoods that normally don’t communicate much. The activity in the DMN decreases, while other parts of the brain communicate more intensively with each other. This causes your brain to function in a new way, with a fresh perspective and improved internal communication. It’s as if you’re building new roads in the city, leading to a renewed perspective on yourself, your life, and the world.
Why is the combination of coaching and truffles so powerful?
Psychedelics and coaching form a powerful combination that together can contribute to psychological flexibility and personal growth. Coaching focuses on creating a rich and meaningful life that aligns with your deepest values. It offers structure and guidance to achieve your goals and lead a fulfilling life. Psychedelics support this process by enabling the brain to make new connections and break existing patterns. This gives you a refreshing perspective and access to deeper insights. Together, they can help you overcome barriers, increase your self-awareness, and realize lasting change.
Can I do a psychedelic truffle journey by myself?
Yes, you can have a psychedelic experience on your own, if you are physically and mentally-emotionally healthy. It will be an interesting and enjoyable experience. But preparation is crucial. Ensure a good set and setting, clarify your intentions, and ask a trusted person to be a trip sitter. This helps prevent unpleasant experiences.
From FLO coaching, we have written a free e-book. With the help of our e-book, you can prepare well for a (first) psychedelic experience.
A guided psychedelic experience offers additional benefits, such as a safe environment and complete care. During a coaching trajectory, you can dive deeper into your experience and gain more insights. The focus on integration helps you to realize lasting changes in your daily life. Such an experience is a valuable investment in your personal growth and development.