5 Ways to Get Support for Your Psychedelic Journey

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re planning to go on your first (guided) psychedelic journey. That’s amazing! I’m so excited for you to explore this profound territory within yourself.

As your guide across these liminal lands, I want to offer some guidance to help make your maiden voyage as smooth and insightful as possible. My top piece of advice? Don’t trip alone – enlist support.

Finding an Experienced Guide or Sitter

Having an experienced trip guide or sitter by your side can provide immense comfort and help if challenging moments arise. They know how to steer your trip with effective techniques like:

  • Guiding your breathing or taking you through grounding visualizations if anxiety builds
  • Changing the music or ambience if the vibe is getting too intense
  • Offering reassuring words of wisdom when fear or confusion strikes
  • Gently encouraging you to lean into breakthrough moments and realizations

One-on-one guidance (as we do at FLO Coaching) and psychedelics retreats are two of the best places to seek guidance. Thoroughly vet anyone before embarking on guidance with them! Ask about their background, training, number of sessions guided, and philosophical approach. You want someone you vibe with and trust.

But, if you can’t have a professional guide there, just having a sober sitter present shows commitment to your well-being. Choose someone mature, centred, and compassionate. Brief them on how to handle potential scenarios. Their energy can anchor you.

Informing Loved Ones

Letting close friends or family know about your plans can ease the journey. Tell them:

  • Your intentions – what you hope to get out of the experience
  • Basic details – which substance, dose, location and how long it lasts
  • That you may need extra support integrating afterwards

Ask them to keep an open mind. Explain how these substances are helping people heal at leading universities and institutions worldwide. If they have concerns, listen empathetically. Your resolve may reassure them.

Gaining their understanding beforehand means you can relax fully into your session without worry of judgement later. It also enables them to provide informed support.

Creating a Safe Space

Choose a comfortable, familiar environment for your voyage – your room, backyard, or nature. Remove any dangerous objects like sharp furniture edges or choke hazards. Secure exits.

Stock the space with items to meet potential needs:

  • Water – Stay hydrated!
  • Fruit – Nutrients that also ground you
  • Blankets – For chills or crafting a cosy nest
  • Eye mask – For visual peace and focussing the energy inwards
  • Tissues – In case emotions start flowing

Take care of basics like safeguarding valuables and silencing phones to minimize distractions.

Making Emergency Plans

While psychedelics have a strong safety profile, it’s wise to prepare for a worst-case scenario so you don’t have to worry.

Have your guide or sitter there, or at least have someone that knows you are embarking on the trip. Identify who to call first in a crisis – them, a friend, a family member or a medical provider.

However, only involve emergency services if needed. With most psychedelics, challenging moments can be handled internally, given proper support. Riding it out within your container is ideal.

Feeling prepared with contingency plans allows you to immerse in your experience fully. When your basic needs are covered, you can explore the mystical seas freely!

Well, my friend, you now have a solid foundation to launch your psychedelic sailship. I’m excited to hear about where this maiden voyage takes you! Don’t forget, I’m here holding space if you need guidance integrating once you return.

Download onze praktische gids voor een verrijkende psychedelische ervaring

Download ons uitgebreide e-book van meer dan 90 pagina’s, vol met waardevolle inzichten, praktische tips en transformatieve oefeningen.

Of je een ervaren psychonaut bent of je eerste stappen zet in deze fascinerende wereld, deze gids is essentieel om je ervaringen te maximaliseren, persoonlijke groei te bevorderen en veilig door psychedelische landschappen te navigeren.


    Lotte en Floris zijn de twee gidsen voor FLO Coaching. Wij combineren onze jarenlange coaching & therapie ervaring om mensen een (eerste) begeleide psychedelische trip te laten ervaren.

    We richten ons op unieke wijze op voorbereiding en integratie om op lange termijn positieve veranderingen in geest en gedrag te bewerkstelligen.

    Hulp wordt geboden door Max en Saar, al hebben onze honden nog niet geleerd om voor de blog te schrijven 🐾