Imagine opening a door to a world you’ve never seen before. A world full of colours, sounds, and feelings that far transcend your daily life.
That’s precisely what happens when you use psychedelic truffles.
I’ll take you through my experiences with these fascinating substances in this blog. We’ll delve deeper into the effects of psychedelics, how it feels, what you can expect, and why these experiences can be so remarkable.
The Beginning of the Journey – Subtle Changes
Do you remember how it felt when you first fell in love? That slight tingling in your stomach, the world that seemed just a bit more beautiful? That’s a bit of how the beginning of a truffle trip feels, too. It’s as if someone is carefully turning your perception’s dials. At first, you hardly notice it. Maybe you feel a bit lighter, or the colours seem slightly more vibrant. It’s like when the sun breaks through the clouds – you know something is changing, but you can’t quite place it yet.
A playground full of possibilities
Imagine your brain as a huge playground. Normally, you only use a few pieces of equipment, the same slide and swing every day. But now, with the truffles, it's as if all the gates are opened. Suddenly, you can access every piece of equipment, every climbing tree, every sandbox.
Thoughts begin to flow more freely, like water no longer forced through a narrow pipe but flowing freely. Ideas dance through your head, forming new patterns and letting you see the world in ways you never thought possible. You make connections you would never typically make.
Maybe you suddenly see how that argument with your friend is related to something from your past, or you finally understand why you’re always so tense at work – as if a knot in your mind is finally coming loose.
Time starts to feel different, too. Have you ever noticed how time feels different when you’re having a lot of fun? During a truffle trip, this feeling is amplified. Sometimes, a single moment seems to last forever. You can be fascinated for minutes by how a water droplet slides down a leaf or the patterns on a tree bark. Other times, time flies by. You blink, and suddenly, hours have passed.
It’s as if you have a time machine that randomly speeds up and slows down. This can be confusing but also liberating. It helps you realize how subjective our experience of time really is.
An explosion of colour
And then the colours – they become more vivid. It’s as if someone has turned up the intensity of the world. I still vividly remember how I once looked at the flowers in my garden. It was as if someone had maxed out the saturation and brightness. The red poppies seemed to pulsate like a beating heart. The green of the leaves was so intense that it almost felt unnatural.
But it goes beyond just intensity. Colours seem to move, to breathe. Sometimes, you see colours you can’t even name, shades that sit between blue and green, or a kind of glowing purple you’ve never seen before. It’s as if you’re seeing for the first time how colourful and vibrant the world around you is.

The Journey Deepens – Intense Experiences
A symphony of the senses
As the effects intensify, not only what you see changes, but also what you hear. It’s as if your ears have suddenly become super-sensors that pick up every nuance.
Music is a perfect metaphor for this experience. Imagine hearing your favourite song, but now you can hear each instrument separately. You don't just hear the guitar, but also how the strings vibrate and resonate. The singer's voice suddenly has layers you've never noticed before.
And it goes beyond music. Everyday sounds take on a whole new rhythm. The hum of a refrigerator becomes a fascinating pattern. The rustling of leaves in the wind sounds like an orchestra performing just for you. This heightened sensitivity to sound can be overwhelming but also incredibly beautiful. It’s as if you’re listening to the symphony of life around you for the first time.
If you thought the colours were impressive, prepare yourself for a whole new dimension of visual experiences. It’s as if your eyes have suddenly gained access to hidden layers of reality. I remember once looking at a bare wall and suddenly seeing intricate geometric patterns appear. It was like a living artwork unfolding before my eyes.
Sometimes, it seems as if you can see energy flowing in everything around you. Plants seem to breathe – to pulsate – with life. Even ‘dead’ objects like stones or furniture seem to radiate a kind of inner light. These visual effects are like a window into a hidden world that was always around us but that we usually can’t perceive.
Time travel in your mind
One of the most surprising aspects of a truffle trip is how it can change your relationship with your memories. It’s as if you gain access to a library of your life, where you can not only read each book but also relive it.
I remember once suddenly being back on a summer day from my childhood. I could feel the sun’s warmth on my skin and smell the scent of freshly cut grass. But the remarkable thing was that I could experience it both through the eyes of my younger self and through my current perspective.
This experience can help you see old memories in a new light. Perhaps you suddenly understand why your parents made certain decisions, or you know how a seemingly insignificant moment impacted your life.
It’s like a journey through time but within your own mind. These experiences can help you understand yourself better and find peace with parts of your past.

The peak of the experience
At the height of a strong truffle experience, the boundaries of your ordinary reality can completely blur. It’s like reaching the top of a mountain after a long climb – the views are breathtaking, but the air is also thin and can be dizzying.
Some people describe a feeling of complete unity with everything around them. It’s like the boundaries between ‘you’ and ‘the world’ dissolve. You feel connected to nature or other people in a way that transcends words.
Others have experiences they describe as a kind of death and rebirth. This might sound scary, and honestly, it can be if you resist it. But if you’re able to let go and accept the experience, it can be incredibly liberating and transformative.
Psychedelics can potentially change your entire view of yourself and the world. People often report feeling more open, connected, and grateful after such an experience.
Imagine your entire identity, everything you thought you were, being erased. And then, out of that emptiness, you are rebuilt. It's like restarting a computer that had frozen - everything is turned off for a moment, and then you come back, fresh and renewed.
Body and mind
During a truffle trip, you’re often very aware of your body, but in a different way than usual. It’s as if your body and mind, which generally feel separate, are now fully integrated.
You may notice your body responding to your thoughts and emotions. Maybe you start crying spontaneously – not necessarily out of sadness – but as a physical expression of a deep emotional release. Or you feel vibrations going through your body, as if pent-up tension is finally being released.
These bodily experiences can be intense and sometimes uncomfortable. But they can also be incredibly healing. It’s as if your body finally gets to release emotional baggage you may have been carrying for years.
Imagine your body as a pressure cooker that has been under pressure for years. The truffle experience is like carefully opening the valve, allowing pent-up tension and emotions to finally escape.
The Unpredictability of the Journey
If you think you can precisely predict the intensity of your truffle experience based on how much you take, I have news for you. Yes, the dosage certainly plays a role, but it’s far from the only factor.
Taking a road trip is a perfect metaphor for dosing. The amount of fuel in your tank (the dosage) determines how far you can go. But the road you choose, the weather, and how you drive all influence how your journey unfolds. It's the same with truffles.
Your state of mind plays a significant role. Are you relaxed and open or tense and anxious? The environment you’re in can also make a huge difference. A calm, safe space will yield a different experience than a busy, unfamiliar environment.
Your experience with altered states of consciousness can also be influential. Just as an experienced surfer can handle bigger waves, someone who has tripped more often can often better deal with intense experiences.
The art of letting go
One of the most critical skills during a truffle trip is the ability to let go and surrender to the experience. It’s like swimming in a river – if you fight against the current, you’ll get exhausted and possibly get into trouble. But if you can relax and let yourself be carried along, you might discover the most surprising and beautiful places.
I remember once becoming anxious during a trip. I tried to control the experience, which only led to more anxiety. My thoughts became confused, and I felt panic rising. Then I remembered the advice someone had once given me: “observe without judging.” I tried to perceive my feelings without attaching labels to them. I realized that the intense feelings were temporary. This helped me let go of the fear.
Letting go is not always easy. It requires trust and courage, but it’s often the key to the most profound and transformative experiences.
Everyone’s own journey
It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique. What I’ve described here is based on my personal experiences and those of others I know. But your experiences might be very different.
You might have visions that I have never had, or you might experience subtle changes in your thought patterns without overwhelming visual effects. Some people have deep spiritual insights, and others develop new ideas about their work or relationships.
This diversity is exactly what makes psychedelics so fascinating. They offer a deeply personal exploration of your own mind. It's like opening a door to your inner world, and what you find there is unique to you.
The Effects Of Psychedelics In A Nutshell
A journey with psychedelic truffles is like entering a new world, a world that was actually always present within you but that you can only now see.
It starts subtly, with small changes in your perception and thoughts. But as the effects intensify, you can have intense visual and auditory experiences, deep emotional insights, and moments of transcendent unity.
These experiences can be overwhelming but also incredibly beautiful and transformative. They can give you a new perspective on yourself, your relationships, and the world around you. But remember, every journey is unique and unpredictable.
The ability to let go and surrender to the experience is often the key to the most meaningful trips. Whether you’re curious about psychedelics or just wanted to know more, I hope this blog has given you a glimpse into this fascinating world.
At FLO Coaching, we offer guided psilocybin truffle sessions, supported by experienced coaches. If you have any questions or are looking for help preparing your first psychedelic experience, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to introduce you to the fascinating world of expanding consciousness responsibly. This is how we guide you towards a new phase of holistic health and well-being.
The first effects are subtle and usually begin 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion. You might feel a bit lighter, and the colours seem slightly more vivid. It’s as if someone is carefully turning the knobs of your perception.
The changes are barely noticeable at first, comparable to the feeling when the sun breaks through the clouds. As you sit quietly and focus your attention on your surroundings, you begin to notice small changes.
The wall’s texture seems a bit more lively, the background music sounds clearer, and you notice that your thoughts are beginning to change. As you look outside, it seems as if the world has come to life just a little bit more. These subtle changes build up slowly.
At the peak, people can experience a feeling of complete unity with everything around them. Some describe it as a kind of death and rebirth. The boundaries between ‘you’ and ‘the world’ can blur. These experiences can be both overwhelming and liberating and transformative.
Time perception becomes distorted. Sometimes a single moment seems to last forever, while at other times time flies by. Colors become more intense and vivid. They can appear to move or breathe. Sometimes, you even see colours you can’t name, shades you’ve never seen before.
You can marvel at the complexity of a simple flower, where each petal seems to be a universe in itself. And you can look at it endlessly, as time slowly passes by. The sense of wonder accompanying this can bring you back to a childlike state of openness and curiosity about the world around you.
Besides dosage, factors such as your state of mind, the environment you’re in, and your previous experience with altered states of consciousness play a big role.
Your state of mind – often referred to as ‘set’ – includes not only your immediate emotional state but also your deeper beliefs, expectations, and intentions for the experience. An open, positive mindset can lead to a more enriching journey, while fear or resistance can complicate the experience.
The ‘setting’ – or the physical and social environment – you’re in is equally crucial. A safe, comfortable space with trusted people can create a sense of security, while a chaotic or unfamiliar environment can lead to unrest.
However, your ability to let go might be the most determining factor in how you experience the journey. This goes beyond simply relaxing; it requires a fundamental willingness to surrender to the unknown.
Letting go is crucial because fighting against the experience often leads to more anxiety and confusion. By letting go and surrendering to the experience, you can often reach deeper and more meaningful insights.
It’s compared to swimming in a river – you can discover the most surprising and beautiful places by going with the flow instead of fighting against it. An effective technique for letting go is practising conscious breathing.
By focusing your attention on your breath, inhaling slowly and deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, you can anchor yourself in the present moment. This can help calm excessive thoughts or fears.
Additionally, it can help to remind yourself that everything you experience is temporary. No matter how intense, every sensation, thought, or emotion will pass. By accepting this, you can more easily move with the experience instead of resisting it.